Friday, May 21, 2010

Happy Belated 9 months! Waaaayyy belated....

We have seriously been lagging on posts (thank you, Doro, for pointing that out to us)! It's been a crazy and hectic several weeks but we're all hanging in there and doing well.

Back to our baby boy, though, he is definitely rolling all over the place and he has found his voice! His favorite "words" are ACK, EH, and BBBLLLFFHH (with some spit flying out). He LOVES to eat and is a master at stuffing Puffs into his mouth. We have had to watch how many we put out cuz Aidan will grab a handful and shovel them into his mouth like there's no tomorrow! And he apparently loves to eat veggies more than fruits, and green more than orange-colored foods. We had to put medicine into his food because he caught another cold. I guess luckily we only put it into his sweet potatoes because he hated and could smell the medicine in his food and now he hesitantly tastes his orange-colored foods before eating it. Smart kid, eh? But green foods he'll gobble down: avocado, spinach, kale, and broccoli. Yes, broccoli ranks high on his favorite foods list! And cheese!!

Socializing or more like charming people is his talent. Wherever we take him he'll smile and giggle at women! I kid you not!! He's a cougar/puma hunter!! He'll smile at the women and then rub his face into Mommy or Daddy like he's shy. FAKER! But if there are kids around he'll watch and watch and watch them and sometimes will fuss because he wants to play with them. He still has not (and hopefully will never) develop stranger anxiety! He definitely knows his favorite people but he does not cry or fuss if we have others carry him. Lucky for us, huh?

Anyhoo, here are some pictures from the past month. Expect another post soon cuz he's turning 10 months next week already!! Acckk, time flies by so fast!

Whoa! Crazy hair! Mommy, what did you do to my hair?!

Indecent exposure! Don't look at my junk!

Playdate with my buddy, Brandon. He's sharing his blanket with me! Thank you!


Before (Mr. Messy Fussbutt) and....

One millisecond after... I know how to look cute in front of the camera

Hello, little tooth!

Mommy put these silly shorts on me. Sheesh, how embarassing!


Prunes? Eh? I look like The Joker!

My first professional haircut with Auntie Shelle

Pulling my cousin's Kira's hair =(

Happy 9 Months, Aidan! (At the Lee Family Red Egg and Ginger party)

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