Sunday, September 20, 2009

Random Pictures from the life of a baby

Here are some pictures of Aidan in his daily life as a baby. The pictures appear from most recent to oldest so they span from 7 weeks to 4 weeks. Ryan and I can't believe how big he's gotten in the past 3 weeks!

With Mommy

Taking another nap with Daddy
See the pillows under my head? It's to support my head cuz it's so heavy that Daddy's and Mommy's wrists hurt after supporting it for a long time.

Lying on Daddy and taking a nap

Tummy time with my new tummy time mat - same results with me lounging on the pillow and sucking on the pillow

Asleep in my bouncer chair

Lying on Mommy and Daddy's bed with Mommy's old teddy bear, Kim

With Auntie Gigi again - she's a pro at getting me to sleep

With Auntie Gigi when she visited from LA

Enjoying my version of Tummy Time (ie lying on my belly and relaxing)

With Grandma and Grandpa for Grandpa's birthday

All toasty and sleepy in Mommy's Moby wrap

All swaddled up in Mommy's crazy marshmallow/tofu swaddle (had to put him to sleep after a nighttime feeding so I swaddled him however I could)

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