Monday, September 7, 2009

Happy One Month!!

Yay! Aidan's one month old now (well, 1 month and 2 weeks to be exact!)!! It's been a long but fast 1 month; I know, it's a strange statement but so true.

Long: more stress and worry than Ryan and I have ever experienced in all 30+ years of our life; sleepless nights and constant sleep deprivation; learning how to take care of a newborn baby without an owner's manual; figuring out how to balance things in your life and reordering your priorities (he comes first before everything else including a shower, eating, work)

Fast: he's grown so much from 1 month ago (from 6.8 lb to over 10 lb now!); he's changed so much (from a sleepy newborn to an alert 1 month old who coos, wiggles, kicks, and visually tracks objects); every day is different and unpredictable so it passes by so quickly

What's New?

Aidan can coo now - not always on cue but definitely when he's playful (see the video below). He's somehow learned to play on the changing table (thanks, Daddy!) which is really funny during the day but not so funny at 2am or 4am feedings! =P

He's figuring out day and night! Yay!! He's learned to massively feed before bed and can go almost 5 hours before waking up for a short feed (sometimes only 15 minutes which kills me because I have to get up and feed him for that little bit of time!). But any night I get more than 3 hours is heaven!!

He can soothe himself - he's learned to suck on his fists. And it's LOUD sucking!

He's learned to tolerate tummy time on a good day. Mostly he lies on his tummy and rests there. Sometimes he nibbles on his tummy time pillow. Oh well! At least he's on his tummy!

He loves vibrations and having his booty shaken (thanks to Daddy again!). So we took him on a long walk (LOL an hour is considered long now!) and he started to have a meltdown cuz it was close to feeding time. We tried to push him in his stroller faster but that didn't work. Then we pushed the stroller through the grass and that calmed him down. LOL imagine how we looked carving a path through uncut grass with an infant car seat/stroller! Haha... But that makes sense cuz he enjoys his bouncer seat (with vibrations) and loves car rides!

Asleep in the bouncer seat

He's VERY punctual for feedings! In fact, it's 2 hours to the exact minute! Which is good cuz at least we don't have to guess why he's crying like a crazy baby!

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