He can now sit up by himself... with an occasional face-plant here and there depending on how tired he is or if he over-reaches for a toy. He is an expert grabber of things now and ANYTHING he sees in front of himself he will grab for it. He loves to jump even more now than before, which is hard to imagine. But, as you can see from the video, our kiddo can jump for hours if we let him! And he continues to be a noisy (and nosy) little boy! He definitely cannot be a ninja! He can roll to one side (mostly his left) and can roll from his tummy to his back... but he doesn't do it consistently.
He did catch his first cold earlier in January. It started out as a runny nose and minor cough. Two days later it escalated to a 103.7 degree fever and we rushed him to Urgent Care. He had his first chest X-ray (which was negative for pneumonia) and his first swab for RSV (also negative). But he did have to have nebulizer treatments with albuterol, which we did for 3 days before stopping; mostly cuz he really started to fuss and turn away and Daddy and Mommy ended up breathing in more of the medicine than Aidan! =P But his fever broke in 2 days and his cough was finally gone by the next week. He then caught a minor runny nose but got over that in a few days. At this rate, his immune system is going to be like STEEL!
Otherwise, he continues to be one happy and easy-going baby boy! Even when we fed him his first food last week! It mostly ends up on his bib but he does slurp it down occasionally. Haha!

With Grandpa Jung

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