Thursday, November 19, 2009

Finally We Can Post to our Blog!

Sorry for the really delayed posts! Our computer was not working due to a horrible virus that Felicia downloaded. Yeah, not fun! So we had no access to our pictures. But everything's okay now so lots of pictures will be posted soon! Main message to all: BACK UP EVERYTHING!! =)

Aidan's almost 4 months old (will be 4 months on 11/24/09) and he's so fun! He is a chatterbox, especially when he's sitting in his throne aka the bouncer seat, and he's super loud now. He's been trying to roll from tummy up to tummy down but hasn't been successful. He continues to kick like a madman and has adopted a new habit: kicking his legs out straight while we're changing his diaper! So we have to distract him somehow: whistling, singing... We've found out that he's a little bit ticklish - he laughs when we wipe underneath his neck with a baby wipe. And yes he really does laugh like us! His favorite toy? His hands still! He's finally noticing that they are hands and has been batting at things but not consistently. Finally he's a true Leo: if we don't pay attention to him, he gives a really loud "yell" - more like "ack" to get our attention!

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