Wednesday, August 12, 2009

What A Great Day!

Today started out rough since Aidan refused to sleep after his feeding at 4 am. Ryan and I tried everything possible: rocking, gliding, walking, bouncing, shushing, swaddling, and swinging him. No luck! He'd sleep for maybe 5 minutes and then BOOM! His little eyes would pop right open and he'd be crying! Aiya! This continued until 8:30 am and then he konked out, especially during our car ride to San Mateo.

So why was it a good day?
1) I'm cleared to drive again! Yay! Freedom... sort of. But at least Ryan doesn't have to chauffeur me around on top of all the things he does for Aidan.

2) I visited work and got a good emotional boost from my co-workers! It was so nice to see everyone and just chat with them. I needed that desperately!

3) Aidan's umbilical stump finally fell off! Whew! That thing gave us a scare last weekend when it was bleeding. We called the advice nurse twice, who finally returned our call and said everything's normal. That thing was hanging on by a thread for the past 2 days and I'm glad to finally be rid of it.

4) We found a new position that he likes: on his belly on our chest. He was able to nap for a while in this position and it doesn't require us to cart him around everywhere. Hopefully this will help with our early am feedings for him to sleep afterwards.

5) Ryan and I finally got an hour nap in. No need to say more!

So that's it for today! It started out rough but has ended up being a pretty fantastic day all around!

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