Thursday, July 30, 2009

Yay! Aidan's Finally Here!

Hello World, I'm here!!!

Aidan Ryan Jung

With Mommy and Daddy

Hi, everyone!

We wanted to let everyone know that Aidan has finally arrived (sorry for the late posting - we've been kinda busy)! He was born on Friday, July 24, 2009 at 6:48 am and he weighed 6 pounds, 8 ounces. It was quite an adventure to get our little boy to come out. We went in for an induction on Thursday, July 23 at 11:00 am and the medicine was started at 1:00 pm. Minor contractions were happening throughout the afternoon and then my water broke at 6:45 pm and then back labor started. I really wanted to have a natural birth but could not handle the pain and was given an epidural at 1:30 am. But, because of all the medicines I already was on and then the epidural, I became really, really nauseous and sick but no pain (that was the plus side). The doctor said I was dilated to 8.5 to 9 cm at about 5:00 am on July 24. But Aidan's heart rate kept dropping every time I was given medicine to induce more contractions to try to get me to 10 cm (it was dropping from 150 to 90) because his cord was compressing his body. The doctor gave us a choice: stop the medicine and wait for me to dilate to 10 cm or have a C-section. We opted for the C-section to avoid potential complications for Aidan. I went in at 6:00 am for the unplanned C-section and he was out by 6:48 am without any health problems! Yay!

We stayed at the hospital for the next 4 days and today is our first day home. He's an amazing little baby! He did not cry at all during the car ride home and has been feeding and sleeping like he did at the hospital. Hopefully this keeps up!

July 23, 2009 - When Mommy and Daddy first arrived at the hospital and were waiting for me to to arrive

All the food that Auntie Shelle bought for herself, Mommy, and Daddy to wait out my arrival.

Mommy eating and enjoying herself

Auntie Shelle giving Mommy a haircut in the hospital while we waited for labor to start. The nurse said this was a first for her! We're silly, aren't we?

July 24, 2009 - My Birthday

Mommy carrying me. She's finally conscious!

Happy Birthday to Me! Enjoying the Monkey Balloon that Auntie Karin and Uncle Mallen bought for me

Family Photo with Grandpa and Grandma Sue

With Auntie Shelle who stayed with Mommy and Daddy from Thursday until I was born

Grandpa Sue pinching my cheeks

With Auntie Amy (my first visitor)

With Uncle Bryan and Auntie Saya

With Uncle Ron and Auntie Daisy

With Auntie Gigi who flew up from LA this morning just to see me (and she flew back home the next day)

With Auntie Drea

With Uncle Mallen

With Auntie Karin

With Auntie Michelle

With Auntie Stephanie

Auntie Shelle being silly and modeling Mommy's nursing pillow. It looks like a floatie!

July 25, 2009 - 1 Day Old

With Uncle Nick and Auntie Ethyl

With Uncle David, Auntie Kathy, Cousin Allison, and Cousin Justin

With Cousin Allison

With Auntie Eva

With Cousin Andrew

With Cousin Vicki

With Louisa and Kaitlyn

July 26, 2009 - 2 Days Old

With Uncle Vic

With Auntie Annabelle

July 28, 2009 - We're Going Home Today

With Grandpa Sue

With Grandma Sue

Getting Ready for the Ride Home

Home At Last!

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