Tuesday, December 29, 2009

5 Months Old!!

Okay, we have been super lax with our posts.... sigh. Are there any followers left of our blog? LOL!

Anyhoo, Aidan is doing well. He's a little kangaroo now - every time we stand him up he'll jump, jump, and jump non-stop for a few minutes; catch his breath; and continue on. He laughs especially when we clap our hands. Apparently Daddy has introduced him to his Exersaucer (thanks for letting us borrow it, Michelle!) and he loves the sun and the star because they have faces on them. He's also learned how to grab including pinching so lucky us we get pinches of love occasionally. But he'll grab links, teethers, and his toys and into his slobbery mouth they'll all go. Apparently our pediatrician said that his back gums are swollen from the teeth growing underneath. Hence all the drool (he goes through at least 2 bibs per day) and all the handsucking! Finally he loves his music! Anytime he hears music cube he'll turn towards it and try to grab for it. We try to use it to entice him to roll but no go.... he still hasn't rolled again. But his tummy time has gotten tons better!! He can last for 5 - 7 minutes at a stretch, depending on his mood and if he's entertained. He hates doing it on the floor because there's not much going on even though we put up mirrors and his toys. He knows there are better things to see than that! Too smart!

Sleeping has been interesting because he goes to sleep at about 5:30 to 6:00 pm now! Which means that Mommy does not see him at night unless she dream feeds him. =( But at least he's getting his rest! His wake-up times vary between 4:00 (not our favorite) to 6:00 (so much better!) and we've been playing around with that since we don't want him to wake up at 4:00 too often. ;) Speaking of which, he learned to fake sleep in the car! Mommy was pretending to sleep to try to trick him to sleep. But she fell asleep during the car ride home, yet still heard him babbling and laughing. About 5 minutes from home she woke up and saw that he fell asleep. But he kept smiling at every turn even though his eyes were closed (he never does that when he sleeps). So she took out her camera to take a picture of his smiling sleep and then, BOING!, his eyes popped open, he smiled, and then closed his eyes while he was giggling!! Silly boy! He thought it was a game!

Christmas was soooo fun and boy did he get spoiled! A ton of clothes and toys... even though he didn't know what was going on. Mommy was scared about Christmas because of all the stops that day but Aidan was a trooper. He lasted from 11:00 am to 9:30 pm and the only times he napped was in the car and on a short 30-minute walk in SF. He was pooped but didn't fuss that night or the next day!!

Finally, he loves his attention. If we don't pay enough attention to him, he'll go, "Ack!" and laugh/giggle. Mommy has tried to ignore him to see if he really is seeking attention and Aidan will continue to "ack" until she looks at him. Then he'll laugh like crazy.

So here are some recent pictures of him:

Sunday, December 20, 2009



Tuesday, December 15, 2009

My First Official Roll


I rolled over for my first official time! But I haven't done it since. I like to keep surprising my parents! =D

Sunday, November 29, 2009



Thursday, November 19, 2009

Finally We Can Post to our Blog!

Sorry for the really delayed posts! Our computer was not working due to a horrible virus that Felicia downloaded. Yeah, not fun! So we had no access to our pictures. But everything's okay now so lots of pictures will be posted soon! Main message to all: BACK UP EVERYTHING!! =)

Aidan's almost 4 months old (will be 4 months on 11/24/09) and he's so fun! He is a chatterbox, especially when he's sitting in his throne aka the bouncer seat, and he's super loud now. He's been trying to roll from tummy up to tummy down but hasn't been successful. He continues to kick like a madman and has adopted a new habit: kicking his legs out straight while we're changing his diaper! So we have to distract him somehow: whistling, singing... We've found out that he's a little bit ticklish - he laughs when we wipe underneath his neck with a baby wipe. And yes he really does laugh like us! His favorite toy? His hands still! He's finally noticing that they are hands and has been batting at things but not consistently. Finally he's a true Leo: if we don't pay attention to him, he gives a really loud "yell" - more like "ack" to get our attention!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Play Date with Auntie Sheri and Bella

We visited Auntie Sheri and Bella for the day for a "play" date. LOL, more like - Mommies' having lunch (excellent lunch, by the way, Sheri!) and the babies just chilling date! Here are some pictures from our day out.

Close-up of Bella crying... still so cute!

Awww, she's yawning! Who's tired?

Uh oh....

LOL, Bella's looking at Aidan and wondering why he's crying!

Proof that Aidan isn't always an angel! Bella's like, "Mommy, why is he still crying?"

Two pretty ladies: Auntie Sheri and Bella

Two little babies in a good mood finally (well, semi-good for Aidan!)

With Auntie Sheri

What a cutie!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Fun with Auntie Shelle


Saturday, October 3, 2009

What a Smart Baby!

Oh my gosh! Aidan's had a fantastic day of achievements today! First of all, he was able to lift his head completely off Ryan's lap for at least 10 seconds and for more than one time! And his head was in midline! That's amazing for a baby who was sucking on his hand and pillow just yesterday! Then he figured out how to drink from a bottle and didn't even fuss at all! It took Ryan one week to retrain Aidan and he just GOT it all of a sudden! Amazing! I swear he's just the smartest baby ever (but I'm sure it's cuz I'm his mommy and am totally biased! But I don't care! I still believe it!). So YAY for Aidan!

Fun Times for Aidan

LOL, Ryan wanted to put on Aidan's first hat - his stocking cap from the hospital. As you can see, the experiment went really well! LOL! But we tried it again later and he was fine. Boy was the hat stretched out though. Definitive proof of how much our baby boy has grown in the past 9 weeks!


We're still working on his head and upper back control. Yeah, yeah, it's the PT in Mommy. Superman is definitely more successful than plain old lying on the belly!


Aidan loves taking baths from day one. In fact, he even loves to drink the water and eat the soap while taking a bath! Haha... But his favorite part is definitely when we dry him off and massage him with baby lotion. He coos and laughs the whole time.


Aidan loves being around other people and loves visitors! Whenever we have guests, he's the most well-behaved baby. Isn't that the case for all babies?! =)
Brandon's teaching me how to play with Mr. Potato Head

With Uncle Ean, Auntie Michelle, and Brandon; I fit right in!

With Auntie Anita

Auntie Carla put me to sleep!

This is how I exercise


I can kick my monkey ballon for 45 minutes non-stop.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

2 Months Old Already!!


Wow! That was fast! We took Aidan to his 2-month appointment and he's now 11.13 pounds (we were hoping for 12 lbs); 23 inches long; and 39 cm head circumference. He's finally hit the 50th percentile for everything! Yay! In fact, our pediatrician was very pleased with his weight gain because she said that most smaller babies at birth usually double their birth weight by the 4th month and Aidan's almost there already at 2 months. Woo hoo!

Here are some pictures of him getting his vaccinations (2 shots and 1 oral). Not fun at all! But he's a trooper: he only cried for a few seconds and then was fine. Probably because he was starving by the end of the appointment. Milk was his reward!

What's New

Aidan loves to coo and smile at both Mommy and Daddy. His favorite place to be tickled is under his chin.

He enjoys Superman and lying tummy down on the ball and on our chests but hates the mat with a vengeance. He still sucks on his hand or the pillow.

His new favorite position to be carried is face-out now so he can see everything.

He loves being pushed in the stroller so going out for walks (or out for shopping) is fun!

He's sleeping 6 - 7 hours straight at night! Woo hoo! But still is not a long napper... boo hoo!

Finally, he HATES, ABHORS, DETESTS the bottle and that's the biggest problem we're dealing with since Felicia will be returning to work mid-November. Ryan has been trying to feed one bottle a day to Aidan but he just plays with the nipple or spits up all the milk. But we'll keep trying since Aidan will have no choice but to drink from the bottle once he's at day care.

Happier Pictures of our Baby Boy

With Uncle Chris and Auntie Nicole at Great Grandma's 100th Birthday Dinner

With Uncle Mallen, Auntie Karin, and baby Fajardo (yay! a playmate for me in March 2010!)

Lazy head control after I used up all my energy in the previous picture

Getting too big for my onesies! Mommy tried to unsuccessfully stuff me into this onesie.

I am SO NOT a sleepyhead!

Sucking on my hand and sleeping! Multitasking...

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Random Pictures from the life of a baby

Here are some pictures of Aidan in his daily life as a baby. The pictures appear from most recent to oldest so they span from 7 weeks to 4 weeks. Ryan and I can't believe how big he's gotten in the past 3 weeks!

With Mommy

Taking another nap with Daddy
See the pillows under my head? It's to support my head cuz it's so heavy that Daddy's and Mommy's wrists hurt after supporting it for a long time.

Lying on Daddy and taking a nap

Tummy time with my new tummy time mat - same results with me lounging on the pillow and sucking on the pillow

Asleep in my bouncer chair

Lying on Mommy and Daddy's bed with Mommy's old teddy bear, Kim

With Auntie Gigi again - she's a pro at getting me to sleep

With Auntie Gigi when she visited from LA

Enjoying my version of Tummy Time (ie lying on my belly and relaxing)

With Grandma and Grandpa for Grandpa's birthday

All toasty and sleepy in Mommy's Moby wrap

All swaddled up in Mommy's crazy marshmallow/tofu swaddle (had to put him to sleep after a nighttime feeding so I swaddled him however I could)