Friday, April 16, 2010

Happy 8 Months!

This has been an exciting month for me! I went on my first vacation and plane ride - to LA and it was my first trip to Disneyland. Then I got my very first tooth! I was not a happy camper and woke up Daddy and Mommy every 2 hours for the first week. And I was a fussy monster... even at day care and with Auntie Shelle. By the 2nd week, I was waking up every 3-4 hours and then my tooth finally cut through and I was back to my happy lil self on the 3rd week. Lucky cuz Daddy and Mommy were walking around like zombies and weren't too happy with my fussiness.

Now I'm back to being me and I love to roll around in my crib and throw my binkies out of my crib. So Mommy and Daddy put up the bumper to try to stop me. Sometimes I can still get them out of my crib.. hee hee.... And I sure love to eat! I love avocados the best - sometimes I can eat a whole one by myself! Sweet potatoes, broccoli, asparagus, pears, and carrots are on my menu. I don't know about bananas cuz sometimes I spit it out. I still love to jump like a kangaroo but am finally starting to learn to crawl. Well, sort of. I just push up on my arms and can stay there. But if there is a Puff in front of me I'll try my best to get to it! I love food like my Mommy! One last thing: if I see something, I will grab for it, including hair, necklaces, paper, and string. My hands are my lethal weapons and I will cry if you take away something that I really wanted like cell phones.

Here are some pictures from this month:

I love posing for the camera!

Haha, this is my big laugh!

Julius looks like me... or is it the other way around?

Wassup, Grandpa?

Grandpa Jung making silly faces at me. I'm not scared!

See my itty bitty tooth on the bottom?

Here's a close-up! It's on your right side (my left). It took Mommy all day to get a picture of my tooth. I'm a bit shy about it.