Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Play Date with Auntie Sheri and Bella

We visited Auntie Sheri and Bella for the day for a "play" date. LOL, more like - Mommies' having lunch (excellent lunch, by the way, Sheri!) and the babies just chilling date! Here are some pictures from our day out.

Close-up of Bella crying... still so cute!

Awww, she's yawning! Who's tired?

Uh oh....

LOL, Bella's looking at Aidan and wondering why he's crying!

Proof that Aidan isn't always an angel! Bella's like, "Mommy, why is he still crying?"

Two pretty ladies: Auntie Sheri and Bella

Two little babies in a good mood finally (well, semi-good for Aidan!)

With Auntie Sheri

What a cutie!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Fun with Auntie Shelle


Saturday, October 3, 2009

What a Smart Baby!

Oh my gosh! Aidan's had a fantastic day of achievements today! First of all, he was able to lift his head completely off Ryan's lap for at least 10 seconds and for more than one time! And his head was in midline! That's amazing for a baby who was sucking on his hand and pillow just yesterday! Then he figured out how to drink from a bottle and didn't even fuss at all! It took Ryan one week to retrain Aidan and he just GOT it all of a sudden! Amazing! I swear he's just the smartest baby ever (but I'm sure it's cuz I'm his mommy and am totally biased! But I don't care! I still believe it!). So YAY for Aidan!

Fun Times for Aidan

LOL, Ryan wanted to put on Aidan's first hat - his stocking cap from the hospital. As you can see, the experiment went really well! LOL! But we tried it again later and he was fine. Boy was the hat stretched out though. Definitive proof of how much our baby boy has grown in the past 9 weeks!


We're still working on his head and upper back control. Yeah, yeah, it's the PT in Mommy. Superman is definitely more successful than plain old lying on the belly!


Aidan loves taking baths from day one. In fact, he even loves to drink the water and eat the soap while taking a bath! Haha... But his favorite part is definitely when we dry him off and massage him with baby lotion. He coos and laughs the whole time.


Aidan loves being around other people and loves visitors! Whenever we have guests, he's the most well-behaved baby. Isn't that the case for all babies?! =)
Brandon's teaching me how to play with Mr. Potato Head

With Uncle Ean, Auntie Michelle, and Brandon; I fit right in!

With Auntie Anita

Auntie Carla put me to sleep!

This is how I exercise


I can kick my monkey ballon for 45 minutes non-stop.