Here are some pictures of him getting his vaccinations (2 shots and 1 oral). Not fun at all! But he's a trooper: he only cried for a few seconds and then was fine. Probably because he was starving by the end of the appointment. Milk was his reward!

He enjoys Superman and lying tummy down on the ball and on our chests but hates the mat with a vengeance. He still sucks on his hand or the pillow.
His new favorite position to be carried is face-out now so he can see everything.
He loves being pushed in the stroller so going out for walks (or out for shopping) is fun!
He's sleeping 6 - 7 hours straight at night! Woo hoo! But still is not a long napper... boo hoo!
Finally, he HATES, ABHORS, DETESTS the bottle and that's the biggest problem we're dealing with since Felicia will be returning to work mid-November. Ryan has been trying to feed one bottle a day to Aidan but he just plays with the nipple or spits up all the milk. But we'll keep trying since Aidan will have no choice but to drink from the bottle once he's at day care.