Tuesday, September 29, 2009

2 Months Old Already!!


Wow! That was fast! We took Aidan to his 2-month appointment and he's now 11.13 pounds (we were hoping for 12 lbs); 23 inches long; and 39 cm head circumference. He's finally hit the 50th percentile for everything! Yay! In fact, our pediatrician was very pleased with his weight gain because she said that most smaller babies at birth usually double their birth weight by the 4th month and Aidan's almost there already at 2 months. Woo hoo!

Here are some pictures of him getting his vaccinations (2 shots and 1 oral). Not fun at all! But he's a trooper: he only cried for a few seconds and then was fine. Probably because he was starving by the end of the appointment. Milk was his reward!

What's New

Aidan loves to coo and smile at both Mommy and Daddy. His favorite place to be tickled is under his chin.

He enjoys Superman and lying tummy down on the ball and on our chests but hates the mat with a vengeance. He still sucks on his hand or the pillow.

His new favorite position to be carried is face-out now so he can see everything.

He loves being pushed in the stroller so going out for walks (or out for shopping) is fun!

He's sleeping 6 - 7 hours straight at night! Woo hoo! But still is not a long napper... boo hoo!

Finally, he HATES, ABHORS, DETESTS the bottle and that's the biggest problem we're dealing with since Felicia will be returning to work mid-November. Ryan has been trying to feed one bottle a day to Aidan but he just plays with the nipple or spits up all the milk. But we'll keep trying since Aidan will have no choice but to drink from the bottle once he's at day care.

Happier Pictures of our Baby Boy

With Uncle Chris and Auntie Nicole at Great Grandma's 100th Birthday Dinner

With Uncle Mallen, Auntie Karin, and baby Fajardo (yay! a playmate for me in March 2010!)

Lazy head control after I used up all my energy in the previous picture

Getting too big for my onesies! Mommy tried to unsuccessfully stuff me into this onesie.

I am SO NOT a sleepyhead!

Sucking on my hand and sleeping! Multitasking...

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Random Pictures from the life of a baby

Here are some pictures of Aidan in his daily life as a baby. The pictures appear from most recent to oldest so they span from 7 weeks to 4 weeks. Ryan and I can't believe how big he's gotten in the past 3 weeks!

With Mommy

Taking another nap with Daddy
See the pillows under my head? It's to support my head cuz it's so heavy that Daddy's and Mommy's wrists hurt after supporting it for a long time.

Lying on Daddy and taking a nap

Tummy time with my new tummy time mat - same results with me lounging on the pillow and sucking on the pillow

Asleep in my bouncer chair

Lying on Mommy and Daddy's bed with Mommy's old teddy bear, Kim

With Auntie Gigi again - she's a pro at getting me to sleep

With Auntie Gigi when she visited from LA

Enjoying my version of Tummy Time (ie lying on my belly and relaxing)

With Grandma and Grandpa for Grandpa's birthday

All toasty and sleepy in Mommy's Moby wrap

All swaddled up in Mommy's crazy marshmallow/tofu swaddle (had to put him to sleep after a nighttime feeding so I swaddled him however I could)

Sue Family Red Egg and Ginger Party


Grandma and Grandpa Sue wanted to host a family red egg and ginger party for Aidan to wish him luck in his life. So we cleaned the house up a bit and invited everyone over. Wowie! Aidan's grandparents did a fantastic job with all the food and boy was Aidan spoiled with everyone carrying him. In fact, he enjoyed his party by sleeping in everyone's arms! LOL there goes "meeting" everyone but at least he didn't fuss and leave a bad first impression on potential babysitters!

Aidan's special cake wishing him luck
(that's his face on an ox since he was born in the year of the ox)

A counter full of food

Some more food at the party

With Auntie Shelle

With Auntie Elsie

With Great Grandma Sue

With Uncle Chris

With Uncle David

With Auntie Elaine

With Daddy, Mommy, and my cake

With Auntie Annabelle

With Great Grandma Sue, Grandparents Sue, and Daddy and Mommy

With Grandpa and Grandma Sue

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Another collage

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Monday, September 7, 2009

Happy One Month!!


Yay! Aidan's one month old now (well, 1 month and 2 weeks to be exact!)!! It's been a long but fast 1 month; I know, it's a strange statement but so true.

Long: more stress and worry than Ryan and I have ever experienced in all 30+ years of our life; sleepless nights and constant sleep deprivation; learning how to take care of a newborn baby without an owner's manual; figuring out how to balance things in your life and reordering your priorities (he comes first before everything else including a shower, eating, work)

Fast: he's grown so much from 1 month ago (from 6.8 lb to over 10 lb now!); he's changed so much (from a sleepy newborn to an alert 1 month old who coos, wiggles, kicks, and visually tracks objects); every day is different and unpredictable so it passes by so quickly

What's New?

Aidan can coo now - not always on cue but definitely when he's playful (see the video below). He's somehow learned to play on the changing table (thanks, Daddy!) which is really funny during the day but not so funny at 2am or 4am feedings! =P

He's figuring out day and night! Yay!! He's learned to massively feed before bed and can go almost 5 hours before waking up for a short feed (sometimes only 15 minutes which kills me because I have to get up and feed him for that little bit of time!). But any night I get more than 3 hours is heaven!!

He can soothe himself - he's learned to suck on his fists. And it's LOUD sucking!

He's learned to tolerate tummy time on a good day. Mostly he lies on his tummy and rests there. Sometimes he nibbles on his tummy time pillow. Oh well! At least he's on his tummy!

He loves vibrations and having his booty shaken (thanks to Daddy again!). So we took him on a long walk (LOL an hour is considered long now!) and he started to have a meltdown cuz it was close to feeding time. We tried to push him in his stroller faster but that didn't work. Then we pushed the stroller through the grass and that calmed him down. LOL imagine how we looked carving a path through uncut grass with an infant car seat/stroller! Haha... But that makes sense cuz he enjoys his bouncer seat (with vibrations) and loves car rides!

Asleep in the bouncer seat

He's VERY punctual for feedings! In fact, it's 2 hours to the exact minute! Which is good cuz at least we don't have to guess why he's crying like a crazy baby!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

There's a ducky in my diaper